Coronavirus Update Image
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We want you to feel safe and give you our undivided attention. To help us with this please only come to the practice if you have an appointment.  Please email us at or phone us on 0191 284 7361 before coming to the practice, to arrange a time.  We look after patients who are still vulnerable to Covid, so we need to control who is in the practice at all times.  Thank you for your help with this. 

Face masks, PPE etc

The Keyes team have completed the Association of Optometrists’ Infection Control and Prevention training and have all become well versed in a new language - types of face mask, gloves. visors, disinfection systems etc.  Please don’t be alarmed when you see us looking a bit more accessorised than normal and maybe consider explaining to any younger children that we are smiling as normal behind the masks!

Whilst your eyewear is normally the ultimate accessory for your face, for the time being we are adding a face mask to the essential accessory list!  

By appointment only - Always call before you visit

Please telephone to make an appointment for any reason, including any adjustments or repairs, this will give us time to disinfect the practice between appointments.


When you come to the practice, please …

Use the hand sanitiser as you enter our practice

Come on your own. We need to keep the number of people in the building to an absolute minimum.  If you need someone to drive you to your appointment, please ask them to stay in the car.

Come to us before you do any shopping. Bringing shopping bags will make our work to keep the practice clean and safe a lot harder.

Maintain a safe separation wherever possible. Please remember to maintain a 2-metre separation as you move from one space to another, wherever possible.

Pay with a card rather than cash, if possible.

On entering the consulting room, please sanitise your hands again.

We will ask you to sanitise your hands before trying on any frames. For the safety and peace of mind of all of our patients, we are disinfecting and rotating frame stock, so that everyone is safe.

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